Who doesn’t love cute emo asian girls with tattoos?
Who doesn’t love cute emo asian girls with tattoos?
Now this is what you call a real emo girl! She’s got sexy hair, fuck me eyes and amazing tats. It doesn’t get much better!
Ok, Ok, I know we just posted a pic of this girl not too long ago but another one was submitted to us via email and I just can’t help but post this one too! Just check out this girl’s sexy emo boobs! I’m not usually a big fan of crazy hair but it looks like this scene chick can pull off anything. Sexy as hell!
Thanks to emo porn girl Heather for emailing this pic to us! Heather, next time you decide to bend over like that, make sure our number is in your phone. Show her love or hate by rating her below! Thumbs up or thumbs down?
We always enjoy good emo porn submissions but don’t be shy when you do it! Tell us a little bit about yourself, or send us a fansign or give us a little detail so that we can make the post interesting! A pretty face is great on it’s own, but it’s always good to know who’s behind the photo! Thanks guys and keep coming back, we’ve got tons of updates coming soon!
When is the last time you saw an emo girl this hot with tattoos on her hands? Can you imagine getting an HJ from this girl? Well, I don’t know if it would be that cool, but at least she’s unique! 10 stars from us!
We really didn’t know if this emo girl was hot enough to post or not, we received the email with her photo over the weekend. She has really nice boobies and an awesome tattoo of Pac-Man but what do you guys think? Show us by rating her!
We’ve been seeing more and more girls with tattoo boobs and this is one trend we fully support! We call it the cleavage tattoo – I can pretty much assume that getting a giant owl tattoo’d on your tits would be nothing but extremely painful, but damn is it sexy as hell or what?! We are giving this girl solid 7 out of 10 rating. Let’s see what our lovely viewers think (hey, yeah, thats you!)